Faiths Forum


Saturday 14th October 2023



Saturday 14th October 2023, 0930 to 1300

St Peter’s Conference Centre, Dormer Place, Leamington Spa CV32 5AA


Quarterly meeting dates for WDFF Meetings for 2023:


6th June

6th September

6th December

Warwick District Faiths Forum

Warwick District Faiths Forum (WDFF)

The Warwick District Faiths (WDFF) forum has been in existence since 2006. It comprises of people from different faiths, who have come together to promote equality and diversity through mutual understanding, co-operation between faith groups and engagement with the wider community.


They share a vision of living in a society where people from different faiths:

  • Respect and understand each other’s religion, beliefs, cultures and values
  • Co-operate with each for the better of society


To assist in achieving these, the WDFF have arranged the following:


For further information about the WDFF or events taking place please email:


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